Patty Cake!

The Roman emperor Diocletian, following an edict in 303 A.D.,failed to stamp the Bible out. The French Revolution could not crush it with secular philosophy (Rousseau, one of its heroes, converted to …
Giant LEGO Boulder Chases Indiana Jones!
The Bible claims to be the Word of the only true God. In addition to historical, archaeological, and scientific proofs, there are numerousinternal proofs. No such evidences exist for other "sacred wri…
Our Complaint Department!
If you have a complaint against Professor Howdy or 'Thought & Humor',please voice your concerns below in the COMMENTS section:If you have time - Please answer the following also with your Grievance: 1…
* Is The Koran Accurate?
Listen To These Messages by Rankin Wilbourne: to Tim Keller speak at Google Headquarters: Blogs:http://profe…
* The Music I Love! ♥...(-_-)...♥

ENJOY!!!MORE!!!MUCH MORE!!! Beautiful Christmas Music! Google: T3H7P12H…
Lost In Translation!

Depressed, Troubled, Worried??? Big Problems??? Want to talk with a LIVE trained counselor??? Want to get REAL help??? (FREE - English/Spanish) 1-800-633-3446 http://www.needhim.o…
Who Are You?
Muhammad or Jesus??? Click Here(Not amalgamated with 'Thought & Humor')=============== 'Thought & Humor' - often polemical butnever tasteless/unrefined/uncouth/ribald.…
Tree Fellas!

The Roman emperor Diocletian, following an edict in 303 A.D.,failed to stamp the Bible out. The French Revolution could not crush it with secular philosophy (Rousseau, one of its heroes, converted to …
* Crippled Without Creed!

Listen To These Messages by Rankin Wilbourne: to Tim Keller speak at Google Headquarters: Blogs:http://profe…
Hoover Dam Video ¶
I am trying here to prevent anyone from sayingthe really foolish thing that people often sayabout Him [Jesus Christ]: "I'm ready to acceptJesus as a great moral teacher, but I don'taccept His claim to…
* Crisis At 3 A.M.?
Who is Jesus? Bible claims to be the Word of the only true God. In addition to historical, archaeological, and scientific proofs, there are numerousintern…

The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.Computer graphics are a staple of modern cinema, particularly for animated films. And computer graphics provide special effects for almost every live-a…
Flameout - Eject - Crash!

We're 'T&H': EXPLORE!!!If you stop believing what your professor told you had to be trueand if you start thinking for yourself you may come to someconclusions you hadn't expected. You may find the Bib…
♫ ♪♫ ♫ ` Beautiful Romantic 1950s & 1960s Easy Listening Music Videos!

***Humor, Riddles & Thought***
Check Our Other Blog Daily:ENJOY!!!Just What Is 'Thought & Humor' Anyway???Click HereRead what you have time for below& save the residuum for a stormy/blustery/dilatory interval whilethe charming…