Dallas       ANSWERS!!!

Want to test your Christmas knowledge?
Here is a quiz to test your knowledge
of Christmas traditions, popular culture,
the Bible, and other aspects of the holiday
with these simple questions. So put on your
thinking cap and take a tour. Enjoy yourself!
Quiz your friends!

1. In The Night Before Christmas I sprang from my bed to see what?
2. In the song "Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer" what did
Grandma go to get?
3. What was the first gift my true love sent on the sixth day of Christmas?
4. In what city did Miracle on 34th Street take place?
5. In It's a Wonderful Life, how did Clarence cleverly save
George's life?


6. Who kept time with the Little Drummer Boy?
7. In The Night Before Christmas, where were the stockings hung?
8. What is the name of the little girl in most versions of The
9. What is the last ghost called in A Christmas Carol?
10. What color is the Grinch?

*Answers are located in "comments"
for your convenience & felicity but
no machination or peeking allowed.


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