1) Without looking at a calendar,
within a minute name a boy's name
using 5 consecutive 1st letters of 5
consecutive months.

2) My first is a number, my second another,
And each, I assure you, will rhyme with the other.
My first you will find is one-fifth of my second,
And truly my whole a long period reckoned.
Yet my first and my second, (nay, think not I cozen),
When added together will make but two dozen.
How many am I?


3) A man took his horse to the emergency
room. The vet decided to operate on the
poor animal immediately. He told the man
that whether the animal died during the
operation or survived, he would charge
$500. The horse did not survive the
operation and the man did not pay
anything. Why not?

(Answers Are In "Comments"!)

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