1) I can be written,
I can be spoken.
I can even be scary,
and leave you stirred or shaken!
Some get a fever thinking about me,
some go into a panic.
Some stay awake for nights on end,
and some go plain manic!
But there's definitely an end in sight,
and that's what keeps everyone going along.
Now quickly guess, what could I be?
You can't afford to get me wrong!
What Am I?

2) What is the only word when
CAPITALIZED, looks the same
from the front, back, above
and below?

3) A man walked down a lonely
country lane with no streetlights.
There was no moon. He was dressed
all in black. Suddenly he heard a
car speeding towards him. The car
did not have its headlights on. There
was no room on the lane for him to step
out of the way and avoid being struck
by the car. But yet, the driver of the
car screeched to a halt just in time -
how did the driver know?

4) Round I start, yet no shape
have I. Allow me to breathe,
and my life will die. The older
I grow, the more sought after
I become. You will feel much
better when I am done.

What am I?

5) There is one in a minute and
two in a moment, but only one
in a million years. What is it?

6) What four related words are merged here:


7) Can not be bought, can not be sold,
even if it's made of gold. What is it?

8) Can you translate the following?

Y Y U R Y Y U B I C U R Y Y 4 M E

(Answers in "comments")

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