1) I went to the park and there were several boys 
with their dogs. Counting heads there are 22. 
Counting legs there are 68. How many boys and 
dogs are at the park?

2) Assuming that the vowels are A E I O & U,
name a six-letter word that has no vowels?


3) What do you throw out when you want to use it,
but take in when you don't want to use it?

4) A word or name that is spelled backwards the 
same as it is forwards is a linguistic curiosity call 
a "palindrome." Words such as BIB, SEES, and MADAM 
are examples of ordinary palindromes. Many every-
day words happen to be palindromes. Listed below 
are the definitions of 10 such words, with the 
numbers of letters in each palindrome shown in 
brackets after the definition. How many of these 
commonplace palindromes do you recognize from 
their definitions?

A) a notable achievement (4)
B) not sloping (5)
C) more blood-colored (6)
D) 12 hours after midnight (4)
E) males and females (5)
F) one who resuscitates another (7)
G) narratives of heroic deeds (5)
H) pertaining to public affairs (5)
I) made wet with dew (5)
J) a mechanical part that causes rotation (7)

5) Can you decipher this famous saying?

That prudent avis which matutinally
deserts the coziness of its abode will

ensnare a vermiculate creature.


6) What has one leg,
but not two.
Never gets fat,
has 15 teeth,
but doesn't chew.
All green and no blue,
bugs don't like them but I do.
What are they?


7) Without a bridle, or a saddle,
across a thing I ride a-straddle.
And those I ride, by help of me,
though almost blind, are made to see.
What am I?

(Answers are located in "comments"!)


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